Prometheus pipes from Pyptek – Includes a save-a-bowl
If you are looking for a durable pipe that your save-a-bowl will fit perfectly you may be interested in the “Prometheus” pipe made by Pyptek.
The Prometheus is hybrid smoking pipe made of aluminum and glass which attempts to produce a smoking experience on par with glass pipe while providing the strength and protection of a rock.
The pipe has 4 main body parts, a metal screen, and a few rubber o-rings and each part can be replaced it gets damaged.
The main body parts are: one aluminum bowl housing, one glass bow insert, one aluminum shaft housing, one glass tube insert.
The Helix Pipe – Arguably the best functioning smoking pipe on the market!
The helix pipe is not just a sexy piece of glass, it is also one of the best functional smoking pipe styles in existence.
Many companies make such a pipe, but some do it better than the rest.
What set’s the competition apart you ask?
Two things – design, and craftsmanship!
Even though the shape of the helix pipe can also be considered part of the design, in this article we are referring to the character of the pipe created when the artist adds colors and additional glass to either the inside of the pipe, the outside of the pipe, or both. And the Craftsmanship refers to symmetrical and structural shape of the Helix chamber.
The design is primarily put in place to please the eye, but the esthetics of the pipe is still very important. Just as the dark hues of the color blue will suppress your appetite, the character of the helix pipe can similarly affect your smoking enjoyment. Many tokers choose a smoking pipe with colors that speak to them and you would be hard pressed to find a smoker who prefers a plain clear-glass pipe, but the shape of the helix pipe is so beautiful and yet so simplistic that it’s cylindrical beauty can be appreciated without any addition at all.
The other day I was browsing Etsy to see what was shaking in the world of small business entrepreneurs when I came a cross a brand called “Blazy Susan”. At first glance I didn’t think much of the 3 pink rolling cones being offered up at $7.99, but as I kept browsing Etsy’s endless list of smoking pipes more and more Blazy Susan products popped up in the search results with a caption that read: ‘BestSeller’.
I remember thinking to my self, “how could everyone of Blazy Susan’s products be a best seller?”, after all they are basically just a pink over priced version of products that are already on the market. “Could it be that throwing a pink branding scheme onto a product would increase it’s value and popularity?”